Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Universal Studios Orlando

Universal Studios was next on our lists of things to visit. We bought ourselves a 2 day pass and visited the Universal Studio and Island of Adventure in Orlando.

We had a great couple of days doing lots of rides and having a good look around. Too bad there wasn't any actual filming going on, I would have liked to see a real American film in action!

Day #1 - Universal Studios

We visited Hollywood.

Men in Black HQ

Day #2 - Island of Adventure! 

The 'Hulk' roller coaster... Dane took this on alone!

I insisted we went on the Popeye Barge ride and got absolutely soaked! Not a little wet, but like we had just taken a dip in all our clothes! I was very glad to have brought my wet-weather jacket, so was at least half dry. Mum and Dane weren't so lucky...

Luckily they had a 'People Dryer' available for a small fee of $5.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Jurassic Park!!

Poseidon's Palace

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A little look inside 'No Rehearsal'

Last week we took part in a club event, where everyone makes some nibbles and open their boat up for the rest of the club to have a look at. Seeing as we had the whole of the Port Canaveral Yacht Club on board, I thought you might like to have a look inside the boat as well. 

Galley (Kitchen)
Navigation Dest & Saloon
Saloon & Chart Table

Our Cabin (Bedroom)
Mum's Office & Spare Cabin
This is the Port side of the boat, the Starboard side is practically the same. Toilets and bathrooms are really too small to take a good photo of, but if your interested sing out and I'll post some photos. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The John F Kennedy Space Centre

While we're spending time in Cape Canaveral, Dane and I decided to spend a day at The John F Kennedy Space Centre. 

We spent the whole day there looking around the different areas and exhibits, pretty amazing stuff! All the space crafts, lift-off platforms and equipment were so big, it was hard to take in!

There was suppose to be a launch on the 13th of November, but due to a couple of problems on the project, the launch has been delayed for a week, maybe two. 

We are hoping that we are still here to get to watch one in person! Fingers crossed!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dingy Ride

A few photos from our dingy ride out around the bay...

Arriving in Florida

After a great day in San Francisco, we caught a plane to Fort Lauderdale where my Mum and Step-dad picked us up from the airport. Was absoultely great to see them again! We then drove back to the boat, which was in Cape Canaveral, some 3 hours drive from Fort Lauderdale. After a nice dinner in West Palm Beach, we finally got home at about 11.00pm, and we were quite happy to go to bed after hours of travelling!

Unfortunately 'No Rehearsal' was struck by lightning while my parents were away overseas, so this means things on board aren't working so well. Lights, switches, pumps, plugs and much more is faulty, and we're having to go through and fix many different electrical boards, pumps, navigation systems etc before we can leave Cape Canaveral, so it looks like we'll be here a few weeks yet. 

As long as there is a Starbucks near by, I'll patiently wait for my time in the Bahamas! 

Meet 'No Rehearsal' - More photos to follow.

Cape Canaveral Yacht Club

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

San Francisco

Finally arrived in San Francisco after 12 hours flying and once we got checked into our hotel, we got straight into our sight seeing.
We rode from the Fisherman's Wharf, across the Golden Gate Bridge and all the way to Sausilito. All in all took us about 3 hours, not a bad ride!

Once we got to Sausilito we caught the ferry back to downtown San Fran. The ferry had a level dedicated just for bikes! We enjoying the amazing sunset and city views!

Found this giant bread alligator at the bakery we had dinner at! 
Nom nom!