Sunday, June 9, 2013

My First Shark!

My first time snorkeling with a shark! 
It was just a baby really, but good size to start with. 

Spotted Eagle Ray.

Warderick Wells, Exuma Cays.

Warderick Wells in the Exuma Cays was one of the most beautiful places we went. We moored off the island for a few days, enjoying the water and snorkeling all the amazing reefs in the area. We saw sharks, spotted eagle rays, loads of fish and sea turtles! 

Most cruisers who visit the island climb up Boo Boo Hill, to the highest point of the island and leave a piece of drift wood with the name of their boat engraved on it. So naturally we didn't want to miss out!

Friday night is party night! After zooming round in the dingy inviting everyone to a beach party, we headed to the beach to meet everyone! Had a great night meeting all the cruisers and feeding the Hutia, a small rabbit like animal that came out to eat all our left over nibbles!

Johnny Depp's Island!

Took a slight de-tour to check out Johnny Depp's Island and dive on a sunken plane. Apparently when the flag is up, the man himself is there!