Monday, September 30, 2013

Georgetown - Hike up the Hill!

Mum and I decided to take a hike up one of the surrounding hills and the view was amazing! Its hard to get over how clear and blue the water is here, I doubt I'll ever take it for granted!
View from the top!
Mother and daughter.

The beach we moored at was amazing as well. 

Friday, September 27, 2013


We made our way onto Georgetown, where we saw more boats than we had during our whole trip put together! All the boats anchor off an adjacent island to Georgetown, and at night with all the anchor lights on we look like out own star constellation! 

Georgetown itself was fairly quiet, but they had a supermarket with fresh fruit and vegetables, a luxury in these parts of the world! They also had a yellow school bus! 

The dingy quay especially for all the yachties that make their way here! 
Georgetowns main road in peak hour.

Iconic American yellow school bus!
All the yachts anchored in the bay.
Mum enjoying the beach.
We also enjoyed feeding and stroking the stingrays. A little scary at first but you got use to it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Staniel Cay - Saying Goodbye to Dane!

 We moved on to the neighbouring island, Staniel Cay, where I had to say goodbye to my partner Dane. He was heading off to see his friends in Seattle, was sad to see him go! 

Fairly casual airport, no baggage counter, security check or cafe's! Present your ticket and your off!!

We also went snorkeling in Thunderball cave, where they filmed the James Bond movie, great little dive but unfortunately none of our photos came out very well! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Big Major Cay - Pig Beach!

We decided to stop off and visit Big Major Cay which is home to "Pig Beach". 

Wild pigs inhabit this island and come running / swimming up to your boat for food!! As you can imagine this has become quite a tourist attraction and we didn't want to miss out either! 

Mum and I on the beach.
 A great experience and lots of fun!!