Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Walkers Cay, Bahamas.

Our first stop in the Bahamas was Walkers Cay where we checked in. Its the most Northern island in the Bahamas and use to be a small island resort, but in the early 2000's a hurricane swept through and destroyed most of the structures on the island. Since then all the debris and damaged buildings are slowly being cleaned up and is now the island is up for sale. 

Anyone interested in owning their own private island which includes an air strip & plane?

Abandoned plane - All engins have been removed.

Damaged boat still aground after the hurricane. 

Dane and I found lots of old glasses which had personal names engraved on them - A really nice find!


We left West Palm Beach at 5.00am last Monday morning and headed to The Bahamas, where our first call was Grand Cay & Walkers Cay. 

On the way we saw a couple of twisters forming, but luckily they didn't reach the water!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Worth Avenue - Palm Beach

This morning I went for a walk with Daryl to visit Worth Avenue. Worth Avenue is a shopping destination that caters for the residents of Palm Beach as well as the extremely wealthy in this world! You visit Worth Avenue to "shop extravagantly, pamper luxuriously and dine decadently". 

This area really shows its wealth and I enjoyed my stroll down the street, but I wouldn't stop to shop or eat!

West Palm Beach!

We have finally left Cape Canaveral!!! After a month of working on the boat and getting all the electrical stuff sorted, we are now in West Palm Beach! 
We cast off nice and early at 7.00am, and headed out of the port. Before we even reached the entrance we had some autopilot problems, and we almost had to head back! Luckily we found the loose wire and re-connected it and we were off! 
We arrived in West Palm Beach at 9.30pm to a live music and a very lively town. We had a quick walk before heading to bed, we were all knackered after a day at sea! 

Sand sculptures are scattered all around town, each one has a different theme.

Our neighbour - "Diamonds are Forever"

The Saturday market.

These were cupcakes! 
My favorite photo of the day!
Vanilla Ice is apparently playing here tonight at 9.00pm, might have to go check it out.  
These guys came and moored behind us, however they weren't prepared at all. The current is really strong here and they had the fenders in the wrong place, came in way too fast and had no mooring lines.
They did hit the quay but luckily mum was there in a flash to save the day. She fixed the ropes and tied the boat to the quay while I worked on the fenders. Preva superava!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Boat Parade

The Port Canaveral Yacht Club that we've been moored at this last month has an annual christmas boat parade. Everyone decorates their boats with lights, parades it up the coast showing off to the voting public who are along the coast, sitting in bars, restaurants and camp sites. 

Originally we were only going to watch the parade from the pier, but after one to many drinks at the clubhouse the night before we decided to take part. We went for minimal lights, but it was fantastic to get out on the boat and rev up the audience!! 

Won best Motor Boat.

Won Best Sailing Boat - The octopus arms even moved!!

My camera doesn't take very good photos at night, but you get the idea! Dane took a great timelapse of the whole parade on his new GoPro 3, stay tuned for the footage!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Since we’ve been in Coaco Beach so long we decided to learn how to kiteboard. I've wanted to give this sport a go for years, and now's the perfect time! The whole family had a first lesson to get the feel of it, and then Daryl and I went on to take further lessons. 

Sooner or later I will look like this…!

But currently I look more like this...