Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Boat Parade

The Port Canaveral Yacht Club that we've been moored at this last month has an annual christmas boat parade. Everyone decorates their boats with lights, parades it up the coast showing off to the voting public who are along the coast, sitting in bars, restaurants and camp sites. 

Originally we were only going to watch the parade from the pier, but after one to many drinks at the clubhouse the night before we decided to take part. We went for minimal lights, but it was fantastic to get out on the boat and rev up the audience!! 

Won best Motor Boat.

Won Best Sailing Boat - The octopus arms even moved!!

My camera doesn't take very good photos at night, but you get the idea! Dane took a great timelapse of the whole parade on his new GoPro 3, stay tuned for the footage!

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