Saturday, December 15, 2012

West Palm Beach!

We have finally left Cape Canaveral!!! After a month of working on the boat and getting all the electrical stuff sorted, we are now in West Palm Beach! 
We cast off nice and early at 7.00am, and headed out of the port. Before we even reached the entrance we had some autopilot problems, and we almost had to head back! Luckily we found the loose wire and re-connected it and we were off! 
We arrived in West Palm Beach at 9.30pm to a live music and a very lively town. We had a quick walk before heading to bed, we were all knackered after a day at sea! 

Sand sculptures are scattered all around town, each one has a different theme.

Our neighbour - "Diamonds are Forever"

The Saturday market.

These were cupcakes! 
My favorite photo of the day!
Vanilla Ice is apparently playing here tonight at 9.00pm, might have to go check it out.  
These guys came and moored behind us, however they weren't prepared at all. The current is really strong here and they had the fenders in the wrong place, came in way too fast and had no mooring lines.
They did hit the quay but luckily mum was there in a flash to save the day. She fixed the ropes and tied the boat to the quay while I worked on the fenders. Preva superava!

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